iForNature-Nature Club Research Laboratory

ifornature laboratory


Our high magnification (180x) stereo zoom trinocular microscope (Radical RSM-9F) with gooseneck illuminator and camera attachments for DSLR camera and CCD camera.

Trinocular compound microscope fitted with a CCD that is connected to a laptop. The image on the laptop screen shows a permanently mounted slide of Riccia sporophyte being examined.

A very useful trinocular stereo zoom microscope (RE-50X) that we utilize as a field microscope. It diassembles easily and fits inside a camera bag (right image), and has a magnification of 50x which comes handy for field observations and collection.

ifornature insect collection
Left image: An entomological storage cabinet where the dry mounted insect specimens are preserved. Right image: a mounted insect specimen along with the lables containing valuable collection data including locality, geological co-ordinates,  collector's name, taxonomic details and other important data. Here the insect (a parasitoid wasp) has been mounted on a card point and underneath are the cocoon and host species pinned along with the specimen.

iForNature - Nature Club Laboratory instruments and facilities